
Belitropina HGH


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Belitropina HGH

Despite the fact that HGH (Somatropin) creators initially synthesized it to treat GH-deficient children, it is highly popular in sports, especially in bodybuildingfor the following reasons:

    • Growth of muscle mass, caused by the acceleration of protein synthesis.
    • Loss of fat simultaneously with gaining muscles.
    • Improvement in cartilage quality.
    • Mild side effects.

It’s possible to say that HGH has divided bodybuilding into “before” and “after.” The tremendous rise in mass, which has started in the 1980s with Dorian Yates and then was kept by Ronnie Coleman, is caused mostly by HGH. Growth hormone helped them become leaner and not to lose muscle mass during cutting. Also, HGH enabled hyperplasia, which moved the limits of maximum muscle hypertrophy.

After the injection of growth hormone, it enters the bloodstream and then spreads around the body, concentrating in the liver, where it converts into IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor). This substance is responsible for muscle growth, which is the main effect of HGH for bodybuilding. IGF-1 binds to its receptors in skeletal muscle tissue, thus accelerating protein synthesis.

The fat burning function of HGH is performed by growth hormone itself. The hormone binds to somatropin receptors, which leads to elevation of the level of free fatty acids (FFA). So, the body starts using fat, instead of carbohydrates, as an energy source.

Fat loss neither interacts with muscle growth nor interferes it. It is a unique feature of HGH, which allows you to gain lean muscles and lose fat altogether.

Another unique feature of growth hormone is hyperplasia, the increase in the number of muscle cells due to their proliferation. This effect is significant because HGH-induced muscle gains are permanent, and divided cells allow you to exceed your genetic limit for muscle mass.


2 – 4IU daily HGH dose range: This is the range commonly utilized for the benefits of anti-aging, skin health, and minor fat loss. No dramatic changes will be noticeable from a dose in this range in young individuals in their 20s and is generally considered a more ‘useless’ dose for younger athletes due to the fact that this dose range is very close to the natural endogenously produced levels of Human Growth Hormone at a young age. Dramatic results in either fat loss or muscle anabolism from this dose will not be experienced unless the individual belongs to an older age group (40 years of age or older).

4 – 6IU daily HGH dose range: The range of 4 – 6IU daily will produce moderate and noticeable fat loss in users, and will also be accompanied with a small measure of muscle anabolism associated with it (unless stacked with anabolic steroids, in which case muscle anabolism can be quite dramatic).

6 – 8IU daily GH dose range: This range of dosing will generate noticeable dramatic fat loss in most individuals, as well as muscle gains. However, muscle gains experienced from Human Growth Hormone at any dose will always manifest in the later weeks or months of use due to the nature of the hormone.

Start slow, see how your body reacts. Bodybuilders need to inject between 2iu -4iu/day, and female bodybuilders can take 1iu-2iu/day

Administer with Bacteriostatic Water

      1. Wash your hands before you begin.
      2. Mix (reconstitute) one vial of Belitropina with the amount of sterile diluent desired.
      3. After mixing, gently swirl the mixture in the vial until the powder is dissolved. Do not shake. The liquid should be clear with no white powder remaining.
      4. Withdraw the prescribed amount of Belitropina using the sterile needle and syringe.
      5. Choose a delivery site and clean it with an alcohol wipe. The best sites are those with a layer of fat between the skin and muscle, like the thigh, the back of the upper arm, the abdomen and the rear end. Use a different site every time, and do not deliver Belitropina to an area of the body where the skin is irritated, reddened, or bruised.
      6. Deliver Belitropina by pinching small area of skin and inserting needle into body at a 90 degree angle. Once needle is inserted into the body, depress needle plunger until HGH has been injected into the body.
      7. Apply pressure to the site using a gauze pad or cotton ball.
      8. Dispose of needles properly in a biohazardous waste container. Do not reuse needles or syringes.


HGH should be kept cool. This is essential once the product has been reconstituted (i.e. once the liquid and powder have been mixed). When reconstituted, the product must be kept in a fridge at near 5 degrees Celsius. However, Belitropina must not be frozen, and it is recommended to be used within 14 days after reconstitution.

But if the product is left unconstituted, then the shelf life is up to the expiry date marked on its box (normally more than 12 months). In this form, the product is more stable and less prone to heat damage. Keep the product cool, and it is advisable to still be stored in the fridge.

HGH can be “damaged” if it is exposed to excess temperatures. Undiluted, freeze-dried HGH powder in sterile vials may be safely stored at a temperature not exceeding 86 degrees Fahrenheit for up to 18 months. It may be safe up to 110 degrees Fahrenheit for a day or two before mixing and tolerated without a problem. Once water/diluent is added however, the liquid HGH must be kept refrigerated and used within 4 weeks, or the potency will slowly decline (in case your fridge is not so accurate, we recommend use within 14 days).

The reason GH is kept in a fridge after it has been mixed is NOT that it rots or spoils, but that after you have mixed it, there might be bacteria in the vial, and growth hormone is a protein, and they eat it! The result is that it would lose potency. So you want to keep it cold to keep bacteria from multiplying too fast, because there would eventually be a loss of potency.


    • pain, itching, or skin changes where the medicine was injected;
    • swelling, rapid weight gain;
    • muscle or joint pain;
    • numbness or tingling;
    • stomach pain, gas;
    • headache, back pain; or.
    • cold or flu symptoms, stuffy nose, sneezing, sore throat, ear pain.

Medical Disclaimer
Please we urge you to contact your physician and do thorough research before starting any type of diet, exercise program, supplement program, drug therapy or if you feel that you may have an existing medical condition.

The information presented here should not be considered medical recommendation in any way. Legal issues regarding anabolic steroidsgrowth hormone, and other performance related drugs vary from state, province and country. If these drugs are illegal according to the laws governing, please do not engage in their use.

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